Website Design Brisbane

Experts in custom and responsive website's for local businesses.

A great website can help grow your business

At IT Solutions Now, we understand that each business is unique, and building a custom website might seem complicated and time-consuming. Our goal is to make the process as simple and easy as possible. Our team of web developers will work closely with you throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to the website launch

We create basic websites to e-commerce webstores. Whether it’s a simple one-page website or something more complex, our web developers are here to help. With years of experience and many happy customers, we also offer ongoing support and website management to give you peace of mind and ensure your website performs at its best.

We offer a wide range of services, including website design, domain name registration, SEO, hosting, email hosting, backup/recovery, and website security. If you would like more information or a quote, please contact us today!

Browse our portfolio of sites we’ve developed and see how we can help you.

man building a website cartoon

Our aim is to provide our client's with exceptional results

At IT Solutions NOW, we specialize in turning business visions into reality through top-notch web design and development services. Serving Brisbane, Logan, and the broader South East Queensland area, our seasoned web design experts boast years of experience crafting bespoke websites that seamlessly align with broader business and marketing objectives. When you partner with us, expect real, measurable results that propel your online presence forward.

Our Website Building Process

image of magnifying glass looking over website code

Planing and Research

  • Understand Your Goals: Define the purpose of your website (e.g., blog, e-commerce, portfolio).
  • Research: Study your target audience, analyze competitors, and stay informed about industry trends.

Monitor screen showing website being built

Design and Development

  • Development: Develop your website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within the WordPress environment.

servers in a row for website hosting

Domain and Hosting

  • Choose a Domain name: Define the purpose of your website (e.g., blog, e-commerce, portfolio).
  • Use a reliable Host: We use an Australian hosting provider for all our websites to make sure the sites a quick, safe and reliable.

person editing photos on a PC for website

Content Creation

  • Compelling Content: Write engaging content for your pages (about, services, blog, etc.).
  • Optimize Media: Ensure images and videos are optimized for web use
  • SEO Considerations: Implement SEO best practices, including relevant keywords and meta tags.

Looking at mobile and pc monitor to test website responsiveness

Testing and Optimization

  • Cross-Browser Testing: Test your website across different browsers and devices.
  • Quality Assurance: Check for broken links, slow loading times, and responsive design issues.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimize your site for speed and overall performance.

website maintenance

Launch and Ongoing Maintenance

  • Upload Files: Upload your website files to the hosting server.
  • Analytics Setup: Set up tools like Google Analytics to track user behavior and site performance.
  • Regular Updates: Continuously update content, security measures, and plugins.

IT Solutions Now Web Design Services

Selecting the ideal website service is crucial for your online business’s success. We provide an array of web design strategies to maximize the potential of your new website.

Website Design and Development

Website development

We’re dedicated to developing a personalized website design that aligns with your unique requirements and brand image.

Graphic Design

Our goal is to assist you in crafting eye-catching visuals that stand out on their own. By collaborating closely with you, we aim to grasp your unique vision and develop a design that conveys your message clearly and compellingly. 

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Our company specializes in search engine optimization (SEO). We employ strategies and techniques to enhance your website’s visibility on search engines like Google.


Our maintenance offerings ensure your website remains current and operates without a hitch. We provide routine backups, conduct security updates every month, and are always ready to tackle any troubleshooting needs you might have.


IT Solutions NOW provides comprehensive website support services to ensure your digital platform is always at its best. We handle everything from technical assistance to regular updates, ensuring your site is secure, efficient, and aligned with the latest web standards

Website Hosting and Security

Hosting Package

Our company proudly uses Australian website hosting services, ensuring your site benefits from swift, secure, and locally-sourced hosting solutions.

Domain Name

Our expertise lies in assisting you with domain name registration for your website. Whether you’re establishing a new online presence or rebranding, we’ll guide you through the process to secure a memorable and relevant domain.

Backup and recovery

Our company prioritizes website safety by implementing robust backup and recovery procedures. Regular backups (daily, weekly, or monthly) ensure that your data is secure, and in case of any unforeseen issues, we can swiftly restore your site to its optimal state

SSL Certificates

IT Solutions NOW offers SSL certificate services to ensure that your website’s data remains secure. By obtaining an SSL certificate, you can protect sensitive information and build trust with your users.

Email hosting

Our team is equipped to assist you in establishing email accounts associated with your website, providing a professional touch to your online communication. Our services extend to providing dedicated email hosting for your website, ensuring reliable and secure email communication tailored specifically to your business needs.

Why using IT Solutions Now for your Web Design Important?

First Impressions Matter

When visitors land on your website, it’s like a first meeting. An unprofessional or unfinished design can instantly turn them away.
Solution: Invest in a polished, visually appealing design that reflects your brand identity and professionalism.

Mobile Friendliness Is Key

With the majority of users browsing on mobile devices, a non-mobile-friendly site frustrates visitors.
Solution: Ensure responsive design—your site should adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes.

Outdated Design Signals Stagnation

An outdated website design implies that your business is stagnant or not keeping up with trends.
Solution: Regularly update your design to stay relevant and maintain a modern appearance.

User Experience (UX) Matters:

Visitors expect intuitive navigation, clear calls-to-action, and easy access to information.
Solution: Optimize UX by organizing content logically and providing a smooth browsing experience.

Trust and Credibility

A poorly designed site raises doubts about your credibility and trustworthiness.
Solution: Invest in professional design to build trust with potential customers.

Reducing Bounce Rates

If visitors don’t find what they need quickly, they’ll bounce off your site.
Solution: Engage users with compelling visuals, concise content, and clear paths to relevant information.

SEO Impact

Search engines consider user experience and design quality when ranking websites.
Solution: A well-designed site improves SEO, driving organic traffic.

Competitive Edge

In a crowded online landscape, a stunning website sets you apart.
Solution: Stand out by investing in high-quality design that resonates with your audience.

Using a Local Australian Web Developer

Why is using a local website developer based in Brisbane to create your website beneficial?
Solution: Utilizing a local website developer based in Brisbane, Queensland ensures swift, personalized web creation with the added benefits of real-time collaboration and insights into the regional market, fostering a tailored and effective online presence.”

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